Skidmore Hard at Work Training for World Chamionships

Meghan Skidmore has her sights on London, England, where she will compete in the 2013 Triathlon World Championships in September. With an impressive 5th place finish in her division in the U.S. Nationals, Meghan knows all too well the hard work that is needed to compete at an international level. She knows the 4:00am alarm to head out for her early morning swims at the White Mountain Aquatic Center, and the daily runs and spinning will all pay off.
Meg and Coach Steve Vosburgh

“After a short break, we evaluated Meg’s performance in the Nationals and determined where she needed the most improvement,” offered Coach Steve Vosburgh. “It was decided that her swimming would bring the largest yield in her time. Meg has been working with Maury McKinney in the master’s class at the White Mountain Aquatic Center and has seen her time improve by 20 seconds in just four months.”
Meg and Steve receiving instruction from Maury McKinney at White Mountain Aquatic Center.
Skidmore’s second challenge is to raise enough funds to cover the cost of her travel and accommodations while in London. Team Skidmore is in the planning phase of several fundraising events that will include a dinner-dance, 5K trail run and other family-fun events. As dates and information become available it will be posted on Meg’s blog at and in local newspapers. If you would like to help Meg reach her goal, donations can be sent to Meg Skidmore c/o Northway Bank, 260 Main St., Gorham, NH 03581, or mail to manager Regina Ferreira at 339 Randolph Hill Road, Randolph, NH 03593.

Thank you to Team Skidmore 2012 sponsors: Great Glen Trails, Mt. Washington Auto Road, Porky Gulch Bike Shop, Corrigan Screen Printing, Peak Health Message, White Mountain Celebrations, Gorham Hardware, Jay’s Quick Lube, Lydia’s Golden Touch, Top Notch Inn, Gorham House of Pizza and Saladino’s Italian Market. If your business would like to become a 2013 sponsor, please call Regina at 603-915-6665.


  1. Best of luck! I'm doing my first sprint tri in two weeks at age 49.

  2. Meg,
    Great Job today! You are ready!
